At Mango Verde Productions, we are proud to present our first feature-length documentary, “Paper Butterfly.” This film, directed by our founder Rafael Medina Adalfio, marks a significant milestone for our young company. With “Paper Butterfly,” we offer a moving perspective on rural life in Venezuela.
“Paper Butterfly” was born from a personal experience in the Venezuelan Andes. We lived among the locals and traveled with the ferieros, brave workers who transport agricultural fairs. This experience inspired a project that captures the essence of these forgotten communities and their enormous challenges.
The documentary follows two parallel narratives. The first tells the story of the Quiroz family, Andean farmers facing harsh conditions and the relentless routine of agriculture. Through the eyes of 9-year-old María and her 4-year-old brother José, viewers see a world where hard work is the norm and a source of deep pride.
The second narrative follows the ferieros, led by Nelson Mora, on their epic journey to sell their products in Caracas. These brave workers face dangers on the road, betting everything to support their families.
“Paper Butterfly” celebrates everyday heroes and connects viewers with global issues through human stories. With an intimate and sincere visual style, the documentary captures authentic and vulnerable moments, immersing the audience in the lives of its protagonists. We hope this film inspires empathy and understanding.
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